user flows


Creating Perfect User Flows for Smooth UX

Creating Perfect User Flows for Smooth UX

If someone asked you to define the word “flow” or describe an example of one, what would you say? Would you immediately think about flow as it relates to user experience or interaction design? Maybe… but, maybe not.

User Flow: Find the Top Path Through Your Website

User Flow: Find the Top Path Through Your Website

If you haven’t asked your Analytics about your user flow lately, you should. User flow analysis is the key to getting more value from your current traffic.

UX Glossary: Task Flows, User Flows, Flowcharts and some new-ish stuff

UX Glossary: Task Flows, User Flows, Flowcharts and some new-ish stuff

UX has a long list of terms and deliverables. The list is even more apparent when viewing job descriptions that seem to throw in the full UX glossary of terms. Factor in that these deliverables have been evolving and many terms overlapping, I thought it was time to revisit.

Wireflows: A UX Deliverable for Workflows and Apps

Wireflows: A UX Deliverable for Workflows and Apps

Wireflows are a combination of wireframes and flowcharts. They can document workflow and screen designs when there are few pages that change dynamically.


Design Gems + User Flows Plugin

Design Gems + User Flows Plugin

Learn how to use the User Flows Plugin.



User Flows

User Flows

A plugin for generating flow diagrams from Artboards in Sketch.

Flowchart kit for Sketch

Flowchart kit for Sketch

Fully customizable and scalable vector elements with 3 pre-defined color themes for creating fast sitemaps and wireframes.



This tool is recommended for flow charts and user journey.
