user journey


How to Create a Customer Journey Map

How to Create a Customer Journey Map

Every interaction a customer has with an organization has an effect on satisfaction, loyalty, and the bottom line. Plotting out a customer’s emotional landscape by way of a Customer Journey Map, or Experience Map, along their path sheds ­­­­light on key opportunities for deepening those relationships.

6 Customer Journey Mapping Examples: How UX Pros Do It

6 Customer Journey Mapping Examples: How UX Pros Do It

This article will draw processes and customer journey mapping examples from experts in the field, and you’ll hopefully walk away with a real and clear picture of how to do it on your own.

A Step By Step Guide To Building Customer Journey Maps

A Step By Step Guide To Building Customer Journey Maps

Digital marketers get asked this question all the time. Without realizing it, the businesses who want the secret sauce, the quick fix to more “conversions,” are asking the wrong question. What they really should be asking is, “How do I help my customers achieve their goals on my website while still achieving mine?”

How to Run an Empathy & User Journey Mapping Workshop

How to Run an Empathy & User Journey Mapping Workshop

This article will teach you two popular design workshop techniques: empathy mapping and user journey mapping. Empathy mapping is a way to characterise your target users in order to make effective design decisions. User journey mapping is a way to deconstruct a user’s experience with a product or service as a series of steps and themes.






This tool is recommended for flow charts and user journey.


The User's Journey: Storymapping Products That People Love

The User's Journey: Storymapping Products That People Love

Like a good story, successful design is a series of engaging moments structured over time. The User’s Journey will show you how, when, and why to use narrative structure, technique, and principles to ideate, craft, and test a cohesive vision for an engaging outcome. See how a story first approach can transform your product, feature, landing page, flow, campaign, content, or product strategy.

How To Create A Customer Journey Map

How To Create A Customer Journey Map

This practical book shows your company how to use alignment diagrams to turn valuable customer observations into actionable insight. With this unique tool, you can visually map your existing customer experience and envision future solutions.